According to § 5 TMG
Dr. Axel Benkeser
Dr. Georg Benkeser
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 263
79098 Freiburg
TEL 0761 2021 088
FAX 0761 2021 188
Responsible Zahnärztekammer as the supervising authority:
Landeszahnärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
Albstadtweg 9
70567 Stuttgart
TEL 0711 22845-0
FAX 0711 22845-40
Responsible Kassenzahnärztliche association:
Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg
Albstadtweg 9
70567 Stuttgart
TEL 0711 7877-0
FAX 0711 7877-264
Professional code: Download
The professional title of Dr. med. dent. Axel Benkeser is dentists specialized in orthodontics, this professional title was awarded in Germany.
The professional title of Dr. med. dent. Georg Benkeser is dentist, this professional title was awarded in Germany.
Responsible for the contents of the home page:
Dres. Axel und Georg Benkeser
Design, implementation and maintenance:
Aktuelle Neuigkeiten im Blog unter
Picture credits:
Jürgen Gocke Fotodesign,
Liability for contents
Even though we take care for the currentness, completeness and correctness of the content of this website, we do not guarantee this.
In accordance with Art. 7 para. 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act), we are responsible for our own content on our website according to the general laws.
A responsibility to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information does not exist however (Art. 8-10 TMG). As soon as we become aware of any legal violation, we will remove the respective contents immediately. Liability to that effect will however first be assumed as of the point in time that knowledge of concrete legal violation has been acknowledged.
Liability exclusion
Our pages contain links to third-party external websites. We have no influence upon the contents of these linked websites. The respective provider or operator is responsible for the accuracy of the content, which is why we cannot assume any guarantee with regard to this.
Third-party websites have been checked by us for possible legal violations at the point in time the link was placed At the point in time the link was placed, no legal violations were able to be recognised. It is not possible to continuously check the contents of the websites we link to without there being a plausible reason to assume that a legal violation exists. As soon as we become aware of any legal violations, we will remove the respective links immediately.
The content and works on these web pages created by the operator are subject to German copyright law. All articles belonging to third parties shall also be designated as such. Copying, processing, distribution and any type of utilisation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Copies of these website pages are only permitted for private use, however not for commercial purposes.
Online Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at Consumers can use this platform to resolve a dispute and to find additional information relating to settling disputes.
Extrajudicial Resolution
In the event of a dispute with a consumer, we are neither obligated nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.